Felicitamos @ ClaudiaLopez alcaldesa de Bogotá y su compañera @AngelicaLozanoC senadora de República, ambas dado muestra de un gran compromiso con los derechos y La Paz, haciendo política de manera decente pic twitter com Xz6fAjIQpd — Caribe Afirmativo October 28, 2019... ..…
Los Angeles Times [CA], by Rong-Gong Lin II & Hannah Fry . Posted by LittleHoodedMonk — 10/28/2019 9:37:35 AM Post Reply . ..…
California’s governor has declared a state of emergency, as climate-change-fueled wildfires sweep across the state, from Los Angeles to Northern California. ..…
Cuarón, soon joined the Mexican American Commission and Los Angeles of Civil Rights Congress. ..…
By the smell of smoke and sound of helicopters flying overhead, Interviews conducted by Los Angeles Times revealed that many affected residents received no warning of the fires and were prompted to evacuate.. o Kincade and Tick fires, there are currently major fires burning throughout..…
Hill, who represents the conservative Simi Valley suburbs of Los Angeles, was one of several freshmen who flipped formerly-held Republican House seats, fueling Democrats’ substantial gains in the 2018 midterm elections. . ..…
Internet Hall of Fame members who participated include: Leonard Kleinrock, co-director of the first host-to-host online connection, professor of computer science, University of California, Los Angeles; Vint Cerf, co-inventor of the Internet Protocol, now vice president and chief internet..…
More Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C., according to newly published report. ..…
Dallas Auckland, like Los Angeles Auckland, will be on board Boeing 787-9.. ... Most Los Angeles Melbourne passengers will fly Los Angeles Melbourne, and not via Christchurch ... ..…
By the seasonal dry and gusty, Further South near the city of Los Angeles, Tick fire has been burning since October 24, instigated Santa Ana winds.. ..…
Ben Hoyle, Los Angeles . . Thousands of cybercrime cases ignored due to Action Fraud computer glitch . ..…
Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.