anatomy of a lynching

Impatience with due process is endemic to the progressive Left, #MeToo mobs, Destroy-Brett-Kavanaugh-Feminists and Remove-President-Trump- Democrats. According to President Obama racism is part of DNA of America, transmitted through the generations from its origins right to the..


Constitution’s anti-corruption provisions to prevent abuses of presidential power, which is central to Democrats’ impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump. . . . ..

the moscow project

According to Luke Harding, the author of Collusion Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win, Russia has been interested Trump since at least 1987, when Trump visited Moscow with Russian to United States, Yuri Dubinin. ..

the collision of constitutional powers

When this particular President shows no sign of relenting from constitutional brinksmanship, as the White House Counsel’s letter makes clear, then House Democrats may feel well justified in following suit. . .. news forum

Democrats and media have used the phrase constitutional crisis to attack President Trump for refusing to cooperate with the impeachment inquiry by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, led by Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff. ..

ms. pumpkin head for president: a nightmare

She was woman alone among cast of sycophants denouncing the murderous policies carried out by presidents Democratic and Republican and foisted on American people through vast network of propaganda, appealing to their worst instincts.  It was stunning few minutes, for it's so rare, almost unheard of,..

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