teresa mull

American skepticism toward college isn’t “unsettling” or “dangerous”; it’s completely justified and should serve as a wake-up call to colleges to change course. . . 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest . . . . ... The madness of Extinction Rebellion October 21, 2019 This is an..


Category Constitution . . . . ConstitutionEducation Kids Have Constitutional Rights, Too! ... The madness of Extinction Rebellion October 21, 2019 This is an upper-middle-class death cult and we should ridicule it out of existence. . . ..

angry bear » open thread october 22, 2019

He is systematically carpet bombing his own country from one end to to the other for five years now, putting out rebellion one combatant/not-combatant at a time — sending in death squads after surrender to kill any medical personnel who treated the injured or males young and old at random and any other..


Close Please type and press enter . . . . . . British journalists have become part of Johnson’s fake news machine . ... Lebanon has a golden opportunity for the formation of an alternative, we should not let the ruling class reproduce... . . . . . . ..

agents of empire

Of course, this has far wider implications than a high profile feud between these two. ... It’s being spread by some of the most powerful people and institutions in the country, including of course mass media. . ..

escalating anti-government protests. -

This proves that Jokowi and Indonesian ruling class are highly dependent on corruption to safeguard their interests and will continue to repeal any existing restrictions order to continue the exploitation of natural resources and the workforce of the people. The Democratic People's Party led the..

can christian democracy save us?

The two camps’ sexual visions, of course, are not always identical, and there are variations inside each group. ... To compare is not to equate, and Invernizzi Accetti is of course right that Christian Democracy is a dozen times preferable to populism. ..


Close Please type and press enter . . . . . . British journalists have become part of Johnson’s fake news machine . ... Migrant workers are too often treated as second class workers despite doing vital NHS jobs. ..

peter oborne

He has written number of books identifying the power structures that lurk behind discourse, including 'The Triumph of Political Class He is regular on BBC programmes 'Any Questions and 'Question Time and often presents 'The Week Westminster He was voted Columnist of Year at Press Awards in 2013... ..

un / iran human rights

While the number of executions in 2018 was lower than in previous years, the rate remains one of the in the world, with at least 253 people having been executed over the course of 2018. ... He noted that while the number of executions in 2018 was lower than in previous years, the rate remains..

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