
'are these people insane?': former republican tells 2020 democrats

Naval War College and at Harvard Extension School, is not so sure that 2020 Democrats CNN's LGBT hall was the idea if they want to defeat President Trump in the general election.. ..!/quality/90/?

pelosi under new pressure to hold an impeachment inquiry vote next

Some Democrats during Friday conference call with Pelosi were expected to urge House vote. ... Pelosi, in memo to Democrats on Friday, suggested Democrats could pursue obstruction charges against the president, pointing to op-ed from 17 lawyers. ..!/quality/90/?

'it's a political attack': giuliani claims to be unaware he's under

House Democrats opened up inquiry into Trump last in regard to his July phone call with Ukraine's president. Democrats contend that the president threatened to withhold military aid to the country if they did not investigate Bidens during the conversation... ..

trump’s impeachment probe jolts us politics

According to the impeachment process, the US Senate, which is currently controlled by Republicans, will finally hold a vote to convict the president. Republicans now take 53 seats in the Senate, while Democrats need at least two-thirds of the Senate - 67 votes to convict and remove Trump..

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