Approximately 1,000 American soldiers had been stationed in that region as buffer separating Kurdish forces. According to Turkish Recep Erdogan, Turkey's goal is to create buffer zone separating Syria's Kurds from Turkish border.. ..…
Turkey, Syria, Kurds, and American Foreign Policy Establishment., Iran, Kurds, Syria, Turkey.. ... The withdrawal of American troops from Syria means that Russia, Turkey, Iran, Syria, and several non-state actors will now fight for control of Levant. ..…
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said, “Major new conflict between Turkey and our partners in Syria would seriously risk damaging Turkey’s ties to the United States and causing greater isolation for Turkey on the world stage.” . “As we learned the hard way during the Obama..…
The senior cleric advised Turkey to not be deceived by Americans like the case of Saudis, Saudi Arabia, as the servant of US, took America's advice and got stuck in quagmire they sought to achieve their aim Yemen in week except now, after seven years, Yemeni warriors have the upper-hand... ..…
Trump says Turkey knows he does not support the invasion. . But he also says he doesn’t think the American people want to send troops there. ..…
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