the senate should change its rules on impeachment

The constitutional text underscores that the Senate plays a judicial role by including the word “try,” requiring the chief justice to preside at the president’s trial, and referring to “the Party convicted” if the Senate decides to remove the president from office. ..

global catholic network

Peter as the Chief Apostle among the apostles. His successors as Bishop of Rome inherit his ministry to be the principle of unity among the bishops and thus for the whole Church and to guard and confirm the faith of his brother bishops and thus of the Church. . . . . . . ... It is the seat of..

the making of the american gulag

What is less understood, however, is the fundamental mismatch between what reformers and police chiefs imagined reform to look like. ... In this way, the reform effort preserved the petty despotism of the nightstick and localized tyranny of the police chief that was at the root of the..

open forum: october 12, 2019

Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton has already sought to suppress a “critical incident review” of police conduct on the fateful day. ... The idiocy was multiplied by orders of magnitude when the braid got involved, it turned into a bloodbath and the chiefs have wanted to..

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