trump admits us killed millions in war based on lies

Nowhere was this war propaganda developed more deliberately than at the New York Times which inundated the American public with lying reports about “weapons of mass destruction” by Judith Miller and the noxious opinion pieces by chief foreign affairs commentator Thomas “I have no problem with a..

be not afraid to find them wanting

In 1887 he immigrated to the United States, where he married Marie, the daughter of a prominent physician, worked as a curator at the Smithsonian (then the chief center of U.S. anthropology), and became a professor of anthropology at Columbia. ..

protests in egypt: sisi, the survivor?

They worry that they might suffer the same fate as former chief of staff and presidential candidate Sami Anan, who is currently in a military prison, or as former prime minister and presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq, who is under house arrest. Or they might meet the fate of former Defence Minister..

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