
sebastian gorka traveling to europe with mike pompeo

Earlier in the day, Pompeo was seen at the White House for a previously scheduled meeting, which he took soon after it was reported he was part of the controversial phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25. . As Democrats ramp up their..

north korea announces new nuclear talks with us

Conservative radio talk show Rush Limbaugh said Wednesday that Democrats are already experiencing 'blowback' for taking aim against President Trump, including their push for impeachment following allegations concerning the president's phone call with the president of..

the manchurian deep state

It's America's best interest not to fall for the false narratives of impeachment pushed by House Democrats politically perverse pundits MSM, all pushing brainwashing narrative to shift power and legitimacy away from President Trump and toward one of Democratic nominees time to steal the..

the media factor

The restriction was unusual and similar to the handling of July call with Ukrainian president that is at the heart of House Democrats impeachment inquiry... ..

impeachment politics

Today, Rabid RINOs and Democrat-Socialists, attempting to set up President Donald Trump for impeachment... Today, the flimsy executed effort that Democrats are advancing is almost following some script that some out of work Hollywood writer assembled out of his sick mind to script this..

five years later, do black lives matter?

The police put Delacruz on mandatory three-day administrative leave the family secured the services of civil rights Benjamin Crump Reverend Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy and well-organized and well-attended demonstration forced the police to extend their comments beyond the typical talking points.. ..

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