idiots intrude in iowan internet insanity!
This is one of those things that I find myself growing more confused as I describe it so bear with me. . ..…
This is one of those things that I find myself growing more confused as I describe it so bear with me. . ..…
For this, the ever-rightward drifting Israeli government, headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has vetoed the possibility of a Palestinian state, bears primary responsibility. ..…
It bears emphasising that the EU referendum was not merely a democratically-taken vote of the British people. ..…
A delegation from the Civic Alliance began intense lobbying efforts in the United States, hoping to increase the pressure brought to bear against Daniel Ortega’s regime. ..…
“It is clear to us that Iran bears responsibility for this attack. There is no other plausible explanation,” the statement read. . ... “Politically motivated accusations against governments along with adoption of policies that support the child-killer regime of Saudi Arabia through sending..…
Speaking of guns, do you suppose the rights of the people under the Khmer Rouge included the right to bear arms? ..…
It's clear to us that Iran bears responsibility for this attack, ment.. ..…
That political insurance means that no single party or official would bear the blame or shoulder the consequences alone, should Palestinians or the community push back against Israeli violation of international law.. ..…
The law, signed by President Richard Nixon in 1973, has been credited with helping prevent the extinction of more than 220 species, including bald eagles, grizzly bears and humpback whales. ..…
The law, signed by President Richard Nixon in 1973, has been credited with helping prevent the extinction of more than 220 species, including bald eagles, bears and humpback whales. ..…