The cabinet agreed to turn the wildcat settlement of Mevoot Yericho in the Jordan Valley into an official settlement. . It also described Israeli voters as alien settlers, who have stolen Palestinian territories. . ..…
Israel military has also designated about of Jordan Valley and has been utilizing the pretext of military drills to displace Palestinian families living there, as part of policy of ethnic cleansing and stifling Palestinian in the area. ... ..…
On September, Netanyahu declared his intentions to annex swathes of Palestinian land adjacent to Jordan River, area that covers 2,400 square kilometers, or nearly third of Occupied West Bank. ... Therefore, Netanyahu's call for the annexation of Palestinian land east of..…
The main parties campaigns pointed to narrow differences on many important issues the struggle against Iran, Palestinian conflict, relations with United States and the economy.. Netanyahu has announced his intention to annex Jordan Valley in West Bank, where Palestinians seek statehood....…
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