However, after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Kurds did not receive their desired autonomy, which began to cause problems. . . Historically, the “Kurdish map” has always been an ace-up-the-sleeve of various geopolitical powers striving for influence in the Middle East: Woodrow Wilson..…
This situation lasted for more than 600 years under different forms of Islamic Caliphates until 1362 A.D. when the Ottoman Empire took over governing the whole Middle Eastern region for 400 years until the beginning of WWI. . ... Jordanian kings: In 1921 Trans-Jordan (Jordan) was carved out of the..…
The Edict of Alhambra was signed March 1492 and 1492 they settled Morocco, other North African countries, Europe, and Ottoman Empire. ..…
Beirut, Damascus and Jerusalem, all of which were under Ottoman control are the most obvious examples, and in Balkans, too, there is legacy of conflict, particularly between Muslim and Christian populations, that speaks of the damage caused by the Empire's rupture.. ... In Turkey, the heartland..…
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