the fog of intervention

These silences are deafening, because the type of world Power wants to build will never be realized if only certain countries—namely, those that stand outside America’s imperial sphere—are held to account. ... The answer, of course, is yes. The problem, though, is that intervention is..

commemorating the outbreak of wwii

Of course, the fight against the forces of nature is more important, but for Warsaw this is a major flop from an ideological point of view.” . . . ... Unless Poland is a third-class ally, or not an ally at all.” . . . Bartosz Wieliński .   Original article Share on   . . . ...

trump, racism and capitalism

the corporations brought tens of millions of European immigrants to U.S to farm the land seized and to do the mining, lay the railroad tracks, work in the factories and expand the population and the working class.. ..

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