Lebanese government should enact legislation protecting against discrimination on the grounds of identity and establish simple, administrative process allowing transgender people to change their names and gender markers on documents based on self-declaration, as is the in countries ranging from..…
Those countries include Sweden, Canada, Chile, Argentina, Poland and Turkey.. ... Then, middle-income countries Philippines, Iran, South Africa, Colombia, China, Brazil, Malaysia, Turkey, Poland, Argentina and Chile. ..…
Director Benjamin Naishtat spoke to Socialist Review about his new film Rojo and Argentina in the 1970s and now... ... I also think that this feeling is still very much Argentina between the middle class and the ruling class whereby there is strong sense of looking down on ordinary..…
When Israeli agents captured wanted Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in Argentina in 1960, The Washington Post “chastised Israel for wanting to ‘wreak vengeance,’ rather than seek justice,” as the historian Francine Klagsbrun documented. . ..…
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