
bernie sanders wants to double union membership and allow federal

The plan proposes “to end the ability of corporations to misclassify workers as independent contractors or label them as a supervisor,” though it does not explain how it would do this. ..

living among others

The disregard of others and the dismissal of human life, symptomatic of the Epstein Orbit, extends beyond ethnicity, religious barriers and class. ... I now believe that Epstein was just a player in a huge crime syndicate that often seems to operate in large parts of American life, its politics,..


Lecture 3 of my 2011 Mises Academy course, The Social Theory of Hoppe.. Lecture 2 of my 2011 Mises Academy course, Libertarian Legal Theory Property, Conflict, and Society.. ..


The slides for the first lecture of the Social Theory of Hoppe course are provided below, as are the “suggested readings” for the course. . ... For example, for the Hoppe course, as noted in A Happy Hoppean Student, student Cam Rea wrote, about the first lecture of the..

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Click Here if you Like this Comment . 1 person likes this. . . Reply 4 - Posted by: udanja99 8/23/2019 7:56:05 AM (No. 159771) . ... “When someone says there is an alligator on base, of course, I have to go see,” Stewart wrote. ..

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Chicago Law Firm Re-Files Nationwide Class Action Lawsuit Against Makers of JUUL E-Cigarettes for Targeting Teens into Addiction. CHICAGO,   -- A Chicago law firm has re-filed nationwide class lawsuit against the makers of JUUL e-cigarettes. ..

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Therefore, inflationary financing appears to be a course upon which politicians can embark without adverse consequences. ... Of course, eventually it will all unravel, because we are overdue a recession and inevitably with it a credit crisis. ..

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Of course, that would be catastrophic, and one can only assume those scientists must have recognized real risks. ... But, of course, nobody knows for sure. After all, it helps to brace oneself ahead of time, just in case. . ..

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