headlines: august 22, 2019 – rising up with sonali
He also insulted the leader of Denmark, repeated his anti-Semitic remark about Jews, accused the media of trying to trigger recession, and considered giving the medal of honor. ..…
He also insulted the leader of Denmark, repeated his anti-Semitic remark about Jews, accused the media of trying to trigger recession, and considered giving the medal of honor. ..…
From left, Geert Wilders, leader of Dutch Party for Freedom, Salvini, Jorg Meuthen, leader of Alternative For Germany party, and Marine Le Pen, head of France's National Front. ..…
European press discusses why the national conservatives are so popular and whether the opposition might have chance after all... ..…
On the other hand, Marine Le Pen’s National Front ran on an anti-NATO, anti-EU, anti-immigrant, and pro-Russian platform. ... The AfD has an ardent anti-EU, anti-immigrant platform and is committed to fostering better German-Russian relations, which closely aligns with..…
Then Poles newfound interest in politics would be of great benefit to the in the long term. ..…
With the capitalist parties, Forza Italia and Democratic Party trounced in the 2018, the populist parties won nearly 50% of the vote. ..…
By demanding vote of no confidence in the government led by Matteo Salvini, Lega and minister, pulled the plug'non party prime Giuseppe Conte. ..…
Some 21 religious think-tanks, NGOs, and other entities spend €2.1m to €3.1m year lobbying European Parliament and European Commission on these fronts, according to EU transparency register.. ..…
Many aspects of the EU’s anti-democratic character, from the unaccountable nature of the European Commission to the democratic sham of the European Parliament, are well-known. ..…