tuesday forum: august 20, 2019

He observed that to the extent that such evidence suggested an invariable regularity of action, ‘this fixed sequence of acts tends strongly to show the occurrence of a given instance.’[228] Habit established a regular practice of meeting a particular type of situation with a specific..

who is to blame for argentina’s economic crisis?

Macri, by contrast, blames the fear of a future government of Kirchnerism — his label for the opposition — for both the postelection financial turbulence and also the problems of the economy since he took office more than three and a half years ago. ... They can explain how Argentina exited from..

the metaphysics of revolution

Hunter-gatherer, ancient city-state, feudal lord, owner, Global CEO, it's not self-conscious class that determines the action of domination, except the eternal will to power that precedes classes, nations, parties, and organizations of all kinds. ..

brexit or not?

CA is said to have disappeared however, the knowledge on how to manipulate voters opinions the algorithm to do media and, of course, by the world's key secret service agencies, CIA, NSA, MI6, Mossad, DGSE, BND and others. ... It's also clear that Brussels favors set of nations, unofficially, of..

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