Quite an affordable price if you bear in mind the fact that people are paying up to 300 Cuban pesos in the city of Pinar del Rio, even for state-owned tankers, taking advantage of other people’s needs and pain. ..…
Gulf states, led by Saudi Arabia and UAE, bear the major burden and responsibility to lead the region to more stable and secure atmosphere... ..…
I was told to bear in mind that I was a young Negro writer with a certain audience, and I wasn’t supposed to alienate that audience. ..…
., 14 hours Via David Codrea, I already knew this and it bears repeating.. ..…
As Dennis Green famously said once of the Chicago Bears: 'they are what we thought they were.' . ... They want us to bear the entire burden, while their jet-setting lifestyles remain untouched. ..…
#BirthStrike, a closed Facebook group for women determined “not to bear children due to the severity of the ecological crisis” has nearly 700 members. ..…
It also has provision to provide Rs 200,000 to people injured wild animal attacks or bear full medical expenses for their treatment at government hospitals.. ..…
Since the United States promised to bring peace to Kosovo, Clinton bears some responsibility for every burnt church, every murdered Serbian grandmother, every new refugee column streaming north out of Kosovo. ..…
And how will those who bear its costs behave? . (2) What the Remainers/Anti-No Dealers will do. ..…
Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.