news briefs – lynn journal

Participants can choose from any of the below four distances along Boston Marathon® course • 5K Walk from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute • 10K Walk from Newton • Half Marathon Walk from Wellesley • Marathon Walk from Hopkinton.  Walkers are treated to refueling stations throughout the..

violence in lewisham momentum

Any working class militant dislikes the cops, and is suspicious of them, perfectly reasonably. ... It does not sound like the wisest course of action but I agree there is no excuse for physical violence. . . . . . . . ..


Class polarisation and radicalisation of the Spanish workers, youth and middle class showed at the end of 1972 that the days of the Franco regime were numbered. ... Of course, the responsibility for the crimes of the Nazis was not to be laid on their real backers, the German..

jeffrey epstein and the spectacle of secrecy

Of course, they would.  The CIA and the FBI have a long record of such activities, and to hold such a club over the heads of presidents, senators, et al to make sure they do their bidding is obviously a strong motivation. . ... There will, of course, be much sex talk and outrage. We will..

the big wobble: japan hit with biblical amounts of rain! total

NASA satellite catches a wide-eyed Typhoon Krosa . . 1,200 millimetres is more than 10 times the average Japanese rainfall for August and in ft and inches, weighs in at nearly 4ft or 47 inches, which of course is well over 1 metre. . ... Get daily updates from The Big Wobble, type in your..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.