the big wobble: japan hit with biblical amounts of rain! total

NASA satellite catches a wide-eyed Typhoon Krosa . . 1,200 millimetres is more than 10 times the average Japanese rainfall for August and in ft and inches, weighs in at nearly 4ft or 47 inches, which of course is well over 1 metre. . ... Get daily updates from The Big Wobble, type in your..!/quality/90/?

'no blame?' abc news finds 36 cases invoking 'trump' in connection

Then, for lighter sentence based on the backdrop of Stein's actions Trump had become the voice of lost and ignored white, working-class set of voters like Stein, and the climate at the time could propel someone like Stein to go to 11, Jim Pratt said in court. ..

what the reactionary politics of 2019 owe to the politics of slavery

Not surprisingly, enslavers dominated the state’s political class. “Carolinian rice aristocrats and the cotton planters from the hinterland,” Sinha writes, “formed an intersectional ruling class, bound together by kinship, economic, political and cultural ties.” ... And President..

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