our labor history timeline

1973 Labor Council for Latin American Advancement founded 2000  AFL- CIO Executive Council calls for reform in the immigration laws for undocumented workers 2006 The AFL- CIO and National Day Laborer Organizing Network form partnership to collaborate with worker centers on immigration reform and other..


feuding syrian kurdish political blocs dance around rapprochement

Pending a major shift in northeast Syria — such as US President Donald Trump pulling out US troops in advance of the 2020 presidential elections, and/or a Turkish invasion — piecemeal defections from the Kurdish National Council to the autonomous administration are the most likely form..


Back on June 24, US President Donald Trump announced new sanctions against Iran, targeting Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei and top commanders of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC). . ... TEHRAN (FNA)- Democratic White House hopeful Beto..

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