
‘equality’ is not what female athletes actually want

By soccer while having juggernaut of women, The same goes for nearly every sport, and in United States is exception, since we are the nation least team. ... Rapinoe, for instance, has disrespected America and complained about her pay, yet it's clear popularity depends entirely..

white supremacy goes prime time

number of commentators have linked the killing of 20 people at Walmart store El Paso in United States of America on Saturday August 2019 to the rising tide of White Supremacism.. ... in point would be Winston Churchill who stated in 1937, I do not admit for instance that great..

belatedly – the moderate voice

In 1932, on the bicentennial of Washington's, Purple Heart was revived by Executive Order of President of United States. ... Purple Heart can now be awarded to those killed or wounded as result of an terrorist attack against United States and to killed or wounded..

patrick o'neill's rfra oral argument

Yesterday was the 74thanniversary of United States atomic bombing of Japanese of Hiroshima on Aug 6, 1945 killing tens of thousands of innocent people. Last Friday, President Donald Trump pulled U.S out of Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty, leaving United States and..

pro-war nyt hit piece on tulsi gabbard

No credible evidence links Damascus to CW attacks, by the US or other Western sources, just empty accusations, nothing backing them.. ... The entire US establishment, the Times in the lead, waged war on him and Syria falsely blaming him and his government for US-led high crimes..


Iranian ambassador to UN went on to say that US sanctions on Zarif violate the principle of equality of states and the principle of in parem non habet imperium, immunity. .. ... TEHRAN - The domestic in United States did not allow realizing the potential of the bilateral..

fueling an empire

Armstrong's Plain Truth magazine wrote, he United States is going to be left out in Europe and Latin America, mesh together and begin calling the world commerce... ... He poured out blessings on the modern descendants of Israel, which include United States and..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.