how a sewer socialist city may push democrats left in 2020

Many of them had been vocal supporters of the revolutions of 1848—a series of failed uprisings led by middle-class people who wanted to bring democracy to Europe’s remaining monarchies—and they brought their liberal ideas with them as they settled in Brew City. ... He didn’t win, but he..

u.s. challenged in the final frontier

In the 2001 mission in Afghanistan, 60 percent of U.S. weapons were precision-guided, with many receiving data that allowed them to alter their own course to hit a target. ... And over the course of that war, from 2003 to 2011, U.S. reliance on commercial satellites rose 560 percent. . ..

roe v. wade

The court, of course, was correct in refusing to grant injunctive relief to the doctor. ... Of course, important state interests in the areas of health and medical standards do remain. ..

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