democratic party dilemmas

If you want to get a snapshot of Trump’s new Republicans, just read up on the 200 rightwing social media radicals the president hosted at the White House on Thursday, 11 July 2019. Perhaps their greatest collective desire is to smear Democrats generally and, specifically, malign..


Brookings study found that 2018 Democratic primary voters were 54.6 percent white, 24.1 percent black, 9.0 percent Hispanic, with Asian- American, American Indian and others.. ..

notable deaths in 2019

Butcher of Beijing for his in Tiananmen Square crackdown, died on July 22 at the age of 90, more than three decades after his government authorized suppression of student-led pro-democracy protests in the early hours of June 4, 1989. ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.