legislators in japan say 43% ratio of female lawmakers
TOKYO -- The ratio of women to all National Diet legislators desired by lawmakers comes to 43% on average, according to recent survey of lawmakers regarding in politics... ..…
TOKYO -- The ratio of women to all National Diet legislators desired by lawmakers comes to 43% on average, according to recent survey of lawmakers regarding in politics... ..…
Countries with the lowest levels were South Africa, Japan, Phillippines, Brazil and South Korea. ..…
Given it's China, India, South Korea, Japan, Singapore that order what are they doing... ..…
Each I visit Japan, I try to explore new areas and go to museums and libraries I have not visited before. ..…
Not United States, not Japan, except Soviet Union and later Russia to the north of China. ... As result, Tumen River estuary was allocated to Russia, and China no longer has estuary to the Sea of Japan. ..…
Indeed, Smits argues that the change from using Richter scale to magnitude and historical earthquakes re-classification, may in part have contributed to the lack of studies predicting Mw9.0+ earthquake for Japan Trench region.. ... Satake, K., Sawai, Y., Shishikura, M., Okamura, Y., Namegaya, Y.,..…
A new port, perhaps to be called New Haifa, is under discussion across from Vladivostok, perhaps on coastal land contributed by North Korea to a new economic zone that opens trade with Japan for the entire region. ..…
Other nations, including Japan, Australia, Canada, Britain, and France also have joint or conducted freedom of navigation operations in the sea to push back against China's claim to own up to 90 percent to the sea under vaguely defined Nine Dash Line around the sea.. ..…
A decision by Japan to join such an initiative would be likely to inflame a divide in Japanese public opinion over sending troops abroad. Japan’s military has not fought overseas since World War Two. . “The Americans have been talking to anyone interested about setting something up,..…
Germany, Japan, Brazil and India have forged a bloc to win permanent seats on a newly-expanded security council (3). . ... The administration supports giving a permanent seat (but not a veto) to Japan, the UN’s second-largest financial contributor, and to one other country. ..…
Hence, the call for imposing tariffs appears ethnically targeted, although Japan, the US’s third largest trade deficit partner, is excluded from the call for imposing tariffs. Japan, however, is a crucial lynchpin for US military objectives in East Asia, hosting several US bases. . ..…