So it was Sunday, with Democrats engulfed in a vicious civil war and Trump’s poll numbers rising against the 2020 candidates as the public begins to realize how far left they are goin . . . . . . . ..…
So it was Sunday, with Democrats engulfed in a vicious civil war and Trump’s poll numbers rising against the 2020 candidates as the public begins to realize how far left they are goin . . . . . . . ..…
So it was Sunday, with Democrats engulfed in a vicious civil war and Trump’s poll numbers rising against the 2020 candidates as the public begins to realize how far left they are goin . . . . . . . ..…
Having a few ‘Rats suffer the penalties mentioned above would undoubtedly have a salutary effect on the rest of them and might put the brakes on what now looks like an increasingly fast drift toward civil war. . ... Rampant democrat Trump Derangement Syndrome this week! . One..…
Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.