is trump what we need?

Of course, there is merit to many concerns about the president’s character and behavior, but for Democrats who want to regain the White House, there are problems with this approach. . ... Smearing conservatives, Republicans, and working-class white voters as racists, “bitter-clingers”..

wiretap report 2018

Drug offenses were the most prevalent type of criminal offenses investigated using reported wiretaps. ... Table 6 presents the type of surveillance method used for each intercept installed. ..

joe barnett

Budgets/Taxes Congress’ New Progressive Class Wants To Get Hold Of Buffett’s Billions . by Joe Barnett March 5, 2019 . . ... It’s almost like half of America’s political class set out to prove George Orwell correct in every particular. . . ..

guatemala court asked to block 'safe 3rd country' with us

url= CITY (AP) — Three former Guatemalan foreign ministers have asked the courts to bar the country's president from entering into a possible ' safe third country'..

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