He also welcomed Iran's support of the Palestinian resistance and praised Qatar for providing funds to help alleviate the Gaza Strip's dire economic and humanitarian situation due in large part to Israel's 12-year-long blockade. . ..…
Furt hermore, Qatar has submitted reservations over the final communique of the urgent summit called for by Saudis to show solidarity after the attacks by Houthis on Saudi soil and Fujairah tanker attacks.. On the other hand, Oman, Kuwait and Qatar have voiced concern over stability and..…
The recent increase in fighting between Taliban and Afghan forces contrasts with ongoing peace talks between the US and Taliban Qatar. ..…
The piece was written by Mehdi Hasan, journalist who also works for Al-Jazeera, news network of Qatar's ruling emirs. ..…
Unlike Germany and other European states, Korea, and Qatar, Friedman highlighted Israel's self-reliance on its own military servicepersons. ... People talk about the in military funding that we Israel every year, began Friedman, it's fraction compared to the investment we have in bases Germany,..…
GNA receives support from Turkey and Qatar, and Haftar is backed by United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and to some degree by United States. ... ..…
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