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Israel, sworn friend and indispensable ally of the US in Middle East, may pave the way for the war at any time.. ... It enjoys the support of Russia and China in the interests of both to limit the US influence in the region, converge. ..


Send us Word document, or cut and paste into the body of e-mail. If you have any questions or problems please contact us at staff@wispolitics com or 441-8418.. ..

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With this statement, the 13 states that were to form United States of American made decision that was the start of young and idealistic republic founded on the premise that. ... He is product of three continents, having lived and worked India, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and..

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Under UN Charter, it's in response to being attacked, or never preemptively for any reason with no allowed exceptions, how all US wars were launched in post-WW II era — against nations posing no threat to the US or anyone else.. US-stoked tensions with Iran are more intense..

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By painting it as defence of, This cynical support for LGBT+ rights combines with the rise of Islamophobic far right figures in the US and western Europe. ... LGBT+ rights movement, was born in in which the US saw huge struggles against Vietnam War and for Black Civil Rights and..


Suspend Treaty between Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and United States of America on the elimination of their medium- and short-range missiles, signed Washington on December, 1987, the document, in particular, read, .. ... United States and its allies NATO..

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He then added that American of France had ended during his presidency, when he had decided to leave NATO and ask United States to close American military bases on French territory.. ... At the time of French Revolution, to have France saw later that United States had..

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The cruelty Trump administration is wielding at United States with Mexico is unconscionable. ... Seems pretty crisis-like to me when the branch defies the role of Congress of United States — while ample evidence of presidential wrongdoing exists and even-ampler..

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