corporate america tilts left

Nothing like 30-something, purple haired, fiercely independent, goal-scoring, guitar-strumming, outspoken, competitor that stands for all that is beautiful, all that is good, all that is us. ... Rapinoe, incidentally, is linked to Kaepernick As Mother Jones reported, she was the first white or..

the united states: a nation on suicide watch

These include National Security Agency US Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines US Coast Guard,   and National Reconnaissance Office, among others. ... This piece could go on and on citing data from myriad of sources showing, among other things, the 500% growth rate of the US,..

america/united states - cardinal tobin:

Bishops Conference of United States, with Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president, and Bishop of Austin, Joe S. ... both Senate and House of Representatives have approved separate initiatives to grant funding to help migrants entering United States. ..

news - f.a. hayek on individual liberty

Hayek's explanation was offered in The Road to Serfdom , work that soon won him popular recognition and notoriety in the community of public opinion in both Europe and United States. ... we would have to presume that the government know enough about each and every one of us..

nat’l assembly green-lights strategic development plan, four other

US- Cambodians in 279% deportation rise June report by Asian Americans Advancing Justice argued that tax dollars should be spent on the wellbeing of US communities, including integration, rather than on the criminalisation and mass incarceration of immigrants and ripping families apart. ..

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