a women’s victory

By the legislature otherwise the consequences of imprisonment or fine or both could ensue, This landmark judgment was pronounced by IHC's Chief Justice Athar Minallah The Honourable Judge ruled that, the procedure and fulfill the conditions prescribed. ..

what next after sudan's million man march?

By workers without the bosses, The real reason why TMC and Ethiopians were demanding the end of the general strike was that it was direct threat to the regime should the idea spread that society could be run, chiefs and domestic and international capitalists.. ... In Sudan you have on the one..

iran breaches terms of nuclear deal

Iranian soldiers hold posters of Iranian Supreme Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and former chief of staff of Iranian Army Sepahbod Mohammad-Vali Gharani as they march during military parade as they mark the country's Tehran, on April 18, 2019 ... ..

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