State authorities, particularly in Kenya and Tanzania, largely ignored the group’s activities, perceiving it as an external, rather than local, threat and primarily a challenge for Western powers and Somalia.[fn]See Crisis Group Africa Briefing N°85, , 25 January 2012.Hide Footnote The..…
Between 2010 and 2020, Europe and Northern America, Northern Africa and Western Asia, and Australia and New Zealand will be net receivers of international migrants, while other regions will be net senders.. ..…
PRETORIA - African countries running up debt they wo not be able to pay back, including to China, should not expect to be bailed out by western-sponsored debt relief, United States top Africa diplomat warned... ... And debt campaigners point to the fact that much of Africa's debt..…
We are very happy to see Nigerian generation joining the old to continue the struggle for Western Sahara liberation and to ensure that the whole of Africa is liberated... ..…
First, note the concerted actions by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa to pursue path, most notably the establishment by BRICS of New Development Bank as rival to the Western-dominated Bretton Woods system.. ... And, the concerted actions by Brazil, Russia, India, China,..…
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