
But the experience of existing supranational organizations suggests that they tend to be very good at resolving precisely that type of Both European Union and Association of Southeast Asian Nations have mediated among their member states to prevent clashes of pride from getting out of hand. ..

brazil: corruption as a mode of rule

Corruption is almost universally regarded as a bad thing, and as a result it is exceptionally rare for a politician to embrace the label of being corrupt. ... Corruption and fraud are strategies deployed under circumstances when the hegemony of the dominant class is fragile, permitting it..


doj lost track of dozens of foreign nationals in us to help law

That type of parole permits foreign to enter U.S and stay on temporarily while being sponsored by enforcement, while deferred action delays the deportation of foreign national. ..

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But Lagerfeld, who simultaneously churned out collections for LVMH's Fendi and his eponymous label - an unheard of feat in fashion - was almost a brand in his own right. ... But Lagerfeld, who simultaneously churned out collections for LVMH's Fendi and his eponymous label - an unheard of..

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Actually, this involves no departure from the course of action envisaged in the proceedings of United Nations, representative appointed at early stage by Security Council, Sir Owen Dixon, had proposed regional plebiscite... ..

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