Posing SNHR has functioned as publicity arm of Syrian opposition, operating out of Doha, Qatar and collaborating with the opposition's embassy there under the direction of Syrian opposition leaders.. ..…
Qatar . . . Same-sex relations of any kind are illegal in Qatar and punishable by up to seven years in prison. ..…
Saudi Intelligence Chief Prince Turki Al-Faisal Iran and Qatar Cooperated with Al-Qaeda, Particularly against KSA. ..…
Syria was targeted because of Assad’s 2009 rejection of an American-backed gas pipeline running from Qatar through Saudi Arabia and Jordan to Syria. ... Syria was targeted because of Assad’s 2009 rejection of an American-backed gas pipeline running from Qatar through Saudi Arabia and..…
Front Altair was loaded from Qatar with the flage of Marshal Islands and Kokuka Courageous was loaded from Saudi Arabia with a Panama flag. . ..…
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