capitalism versus democracy

Lest the larger picture be missed here, American capitalism, of 'efficiency have been used to shape and rebuild the world, has produced the healthcare system in the order to fill the pockets of class that feeds on misery. ... The ossification that it has created comes through class..

the external roots of spygate

There were losers, of course - Mexico's infamous human smuggling cartels, and far left activists who shake down migrants, both of whom get curbed in the deal. ... That means that if, after the appeals process has run its course, the plaintiffs move to collect the $11 million a jury just..

the crisis of liberalism

For the capitalist class the slogan of French Revolution, 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, meant giving everyone the liberty to choose. But at their high point, June 1848, the working class of Paris staged its own uprising, sending shiver down the spine of French capitalist..

the neoliberal rearguard

Laura Hughes of the highly esteemed Financial Times declares that she felt like she'd just sat through school history class all over again, and that what was needed was, new word other than communism, since the latter was so freighted with propaganda. ... Of course, Bastani was shuttled..

a grotesque political party

The recent California Democratic Party convention in San Francisco exposed the divide between the state’s progressive and working-class voters. Progressives, in their militant certitude, support left-wing policies that often don’t affect them; it’s the working class that suffers the..

govt losing public trust, says nc

As many as 31,642 persons joined NC in the course of the campaign. ... The leaders from the central, regional, district, municipal, village and community level had spent time with the general during the campaign to make them aware about NC's future course of action. ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.