electoral politics versus democracy

The premise was never, that large swaths of the working class would not be harmed.. The astro-turf and greenwashing groups, Democrats and Republicans, will absorb the energy unless clarity around competing class interests is brought to the fore.. ..

open forum: june 8, 2019

'fraid not married the crazy old mole went back to study and alas has not job. so it falls to me to carry their silly arses and make compromises such as this. and the cow prefers pinot so what am I gonna do. biatch owes me last year. last 6mo and then. we'll see shrinking middle class collapsing the..

film review: "the souvenir" - fear of melodrama

I like the milieu that The Souvenir is set in, 1980s London, Age of Thatcher, jumping from the raggedy, world of film school to Julie's patrician, country-estate family to Julie's neatly middle-class Knightsbridge duplex apartment, paid for by wealthy parents. ... As for class, Hogg has..


By just ramming the agreement through, TEHRAN - Jonathan Fryer, British Liberal Democrat politician, says Theresa May's Administration tried to Brexit in manner, without consulting with other parties, or determining the type of Brexit other EU states would with Parliament without even testing..

mortality inequalities by occupational class among men in

By occupational class during the period, Figure 1 presents ASMRs among men aged 35 64, with the height of bars indicating the mortality rate and the width of bars indicating the share of each occupational class in the population. ... We therefore carried out sensitivity analysis, using..

the jihad on the christian cross

Turkey: A 12-year-old boy in Turkey wearing a silver cross necklace in class was spit on and beaten regularly by Muslim classmates and teachers. . ... Her crime was to draw a compass—which was mistakenly taken for a cross—as part of a geography lesson in class.  . ..

race, class and identity

It was category of struggle for those battling against state in the form of immigration controls and the discriminatory policing, and the gangs they inspired.. By aiding the expansion of the middle class, In the wake of Brixton Riots, and the urban uprisings across Britain that followed,..

why the labor movement has failed—and how to fix it

They settled for the same raise that the school district had offered at the outset, and instead used their strike to win the hiring of in every school, reduction of class sizes, the extension of program that exempts schools from administering random searches of their students, and cap on the spread..

homo sapiens: not a “machine”!

Faux-”feminist” Donna Haraway offered her preposterous “Cyborg Manifesto”; after all, simply because the human female ovulates and lactates — like other primates — it doesn’t mean that these troublesome “limitations” cannot be transcended (through the “liberating” power of technology, of..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.