
democrats summon nixon aide-turned-trump critic john dean to testify

House Democrats are to testimony from President Richard Nixon's White House counsel and Watergate figure John Dean during hearings into alleged collusion between Russia and Trump campaign.. ..

inside pete buttigieg's plan to overhaul the supreme court

Democrats were similarly alarmed by the Senate GOP’s refusal to consider President Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland. . ... Even some Democrats cautioned it would create a vicious cycle where every successive president would simply pack the court with more..

the navy's war vs. bolton's war

It just got its 17th U.S commander and yet somehow the situation there grows worse refugees flee the region, terror groups spread, and endless versions of American war-making from troop surges to counterinsurgency, blow-'em-away air power to the use of the nonnuclear weapon in U.S arsenal are brought to bear..

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