With campuses London, Oxford and beyond becoming increasingly inhospitable to Jews, Birmingham's university has seen its Jewish soar so dramatically over the past decade that Jewish body now outnumbers Jewish in United Kingdom's second largest city.. ..…
The Yiddish book center was formed in 1980, in a time when it was feared that Yiddish would die. ..…
In fact 0.2% of the world is Jewish according to Pew Research Center’s Global Religious Landscape study. Israel is the only country in the world that has a more than 2% Jewish population. . . ..…
what happened to Bukharian New York is similar to what happened Israel with the repatriation of Yemenite, Bene Israel, Syrian and Ethiopian communities, points out Rabbi Shlomo Nisanov of Congregation Kehilat Sephardim Bukharian Jewish Center of Kew Gardens Hills. . ... In March 2018,..…
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