the european left in disarray

Campaigning across the continent is muted, only minority of citizens could name either of the two leading candidates for president of European Commission, German Manfred Weber and Dutch Frans Timmermans.. ..

nearly half of democrats say the best age for a

Two of Democratic Party's best-known candidates, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, are in their 70s, yet only 3% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say this is the best age range for president. The new survey by Pew Research Center, conducted April 29-May 13 among 10,170 adults..

on kate smith and al sharpton: the metaphor of hypocrisy for the new

Indeed, that is what all life is about for all of us to improve our eternal souls, to work on ourselves and to become better people ourselves. ( This process of personal improvement should not be confused with the specious virtue-signaling that sees certain types pontificate publicly about how they want to..

the new politics of starvation

Disturbed with the rule of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and infuriated by the hostage taking of 52 of  U.S by Islamic students and militants, President Jimmy Carter froze several billions of dollars Iranian bank deposits, gold and other properties, and followed with embargo on trade with and travel to Iran. ..


TEHRAN - Democrats on Senate Foreign Relations Committee warned Wednesday that President Donald Trump may soon push through sale to Saudi Arabia in way that prevents Congress from blocking it... ..

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