Russian Foreign Ministry also expressed deep concerns over the fact that both Tripoli-based and Haftar. ... Forty-eight days into the attack on Tripoli by General Haftar's forces, there has already been too much death and destruction, the UN Libya, Ghassan Salame, told..…
Crisis Group interviews, European diplomats, Tripoli and Tunis, April 2019.Hide Footnote U.S position also emboldened Haftar's backers Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Cairo to continue their financial and military support for Haftar's military assault. ... Crisis Group interviews, European..…
Forty-eight days into the attack on Tripoli by General Haftar's forces, there has already been too much death and destruction, he added, referring to the new on Libyan capital launched on April by Libyan National Army led by Haftar.. ..…
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