targeting iran

US targeting of Iran is travesty of justice for the simple reason that UN's nuclear inspection agency, International Atomic Energy Agency, has reiterated over and over again that Iran has complied with the nuclear deal. ... is so palpably unjust to Palestinian people,..

who is joe biden? bio, age, family, and key positions

On foreign policy: Biden was an ardent support of the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran and key allies aiming to limit their nuclear proliferation program and has lambasted Trump for withdrawing from it. ..

israeli hardliners dreaming of war on iran

Netanyahu and fascist hardliners dominating Knesset have been dreaming of war on Iran for decades, wanting Washington to act preemptively.. ... Given Iran's ability to hit back hard if attacked, including against Israeli cities, military and nuclear facilities, warships, and bases, war..!/quality/90/?

white house and state greenlight israeli strikes on iranian proxies in

That's attitude for Pompeo, who has helped orchestrate the maximum pressure campaign against Iran in the year since President Trump from the nuclear deal and renewed sanctions on the regime. ... it's that the way to get Iran to the table and to get better with Iran if we ever..


TEHRAN - The Academy of Medical Sciences of Iran, in letter to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, complained that United States unilateral sanctions against Iranian nation have affected the treatment of Iranian patients, deploring that American bans have blocked the flow of humanitarian aid to..

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