According to document leaked Tel Aviv, the deal would be a tripartite agreement signed between Israel, Palestine Liberation Organization, and Hamas to establish so-called. New Palestine in West Bank and Gaza Strip, and this would exclude Israel's built settlements. ..…
Israel has banned the group, labeling it Hamas front and arresting Gaza Program Manager, Ayaz Ali, in 2006, for providing funds and assistance to Hamas institutions and organizations. ... As well, at the end of Israel- Gaza Conflict, Mubarak retweeted photos of..…
He needed to assure them of his commitment to keep pressure on Palestinian Resistance, of maintaining the siege on Gaza and ensuring the safety of Israel's southern towns and settlements.. Lieberman had resigned his post and he has formed alliance with Israel's southern towns..…
Israel: Gaza Matches Hezbollah, Can Fire 1,000 Missiles A Day . TEHRAN (FNA)- Israeli officials concluded that resistance groups in the besieged Gaza Strip now match their Lebanese counterpart Hezbollah in terms of missile prowess. . . . . ..…
Click here for Trumpet Middle East correspondent Brent Nagtegaal’s firsthand account of this latest crisis—and for an explanation about how God, not Israel, will ultimately solve the Gaza crisis. . . ..…
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