support of palestine is not anti-semitic

“Jewish Voice for Peace, for example, aims to educate the American public about ‘the forced displacement of approximately 750,000 Palestinians that began with Israel’s establishment and that continues to this day.’ ... American organizations such as If Not Now support young..

u.s.-china trade standoff may be initial skirmish in broader economic

United States has been erecting barriers to limit Chinese investment American companies, re-examining the kinds of technology that can be exported to China and restricting China's in building America's next-generation telecommunications networks, while also discouraging other countries from using..

us-china relations near new low amid trade battle

American public recoiled, crushing Tiananmen Square protests... Ordinary Chinese were outraged 10 years later Yugoslavia, rejecting U.S insistence that it was accident... And tensions crackled when China detained American Navy flight crew following the collision of U.S spy plane and..

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