
georgia effectively bans abortion under 'fetal heartbeat' law

Wade, emboldened by a conservative presence on the Supreme Court. . According to a study by Planned Parenthood and Guttmacher, six-week abortion bans are up by 63 percent, and state lawmakers have introduced more than 250 bills to restricting abortion just this year. ..

germany’s hidden crisis

Yet Germany’s equivalent of the Labour Party, the SPD, is in spectacular decline after entering one coalition after another with conservative chancellor Merkel and, between time, making a wholesale attack on welfare provision. . ..

the london climate protests: raising the alarm

Light-years beyond his Conservative opponents on this issue, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn commented: . ... When famously sober, conservative, anti-alarmist climate scientists are warning that human beings will become extinct unless drastic action is taken within the next decade, so that even..

chicago boyz

Conservative speech to expose the fallacies of progressive ideology and the threat to the Republic is suppressed by the democratic state apparatus. ... Labour + Tory = 8% . . .   Posted in , , Europe, Politics | 6 Comments » . . . ..

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