Even now, there is political chaos Nicaragua, with major protests demanding the ouster of Sandinista Daniel Ortega, and brewing scandals Argentina, Brazil and Peru that could expand and tear any or all of the three countries apart.. ..…
Stacks of 100 Argentine pesos The plaintiffs firm Milberg has sued group of European investors that it represented in years of Argentina bond litigation, alleging the investors fired the law firm to avoid paying million fee.. ... Michael Spencer was Milberg on Argentine bond..…
In 1985, men and in every country east, south and southeast Asia, Oceania, Latin America and Caribbean and region that comprises Asia, Middle East and Africa had higher mean BMI than their rural peers. ..…
In places such as Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Switzerland, and Singapore, people are required to vote and failing to do so results in the equivalent of small traffic fine. ..…
Argentina: Strike stops ‘business as usual’ . Thousands blocked the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina, during a 2-day strike organized by labor unions and social movements in opposition to President Mauricio Macri’s austerity policies. ..…
The group was united in opposing Thatcher's Falklands War (April-June 1982), and for the first six weeks also largely united in rejecting any support for Argentina, which had invaded the Falkland Islands, 400 miles from Argentina and with a British population. ... Siding with..…
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