In March, Financial Services Committee approved legislation known or SAFE, Banking Act, marijuana businesses against related legal risks.. Jeff Merkley, Oregon Democrat, and Cory Gardner, Colorado Republican, introduced companion bill in GOP-controlled Senate. ..…
If made law, 's tax commissioner to hand over any New York tax returns at the request of US House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee, the US Senate Finance Committee or Joint Committee on Taxation.. Democratic of US House Ways and Mean Committee has..…
Ultimately, much of what Nixon envisioned in his 1971 and 1974 health plans fell committee to Democratic caucus that viewed Nixoncare as not liberal enough... Ultimately, much of what Nixon envisioned in his 1971 and 1974 health plans fell committee to Democratic caucus..…
Democratic Socialists of America and its two predecessor organizations, Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee and the New American Movement had their origins in the early 1970s, at the beginning of long-term rightward shift of United States and global politics. ..…
The highest-ranking Democratic member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island, has said that he will support the full nuclear modernization effort, but only if it is coupled with an arms-control framework that keeps limits on nuclear weapons. . ..…
Attacking me as a candidate is one thing, but having the establishment Republicans endorse one party candidate against another is not the democratic process our founders envisioned. Unfortunately, their hand-picked candidates are either members of their executive committee or are heavy..…
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