By giving advice to the, This week Trump threatened former Secretary of State John Kerry by suggesting that Democratic politician had violated US laws Islamic Republic.. Kerry, is main opponent of Trump, criticizing him for pulling the US out of Iran nuclear deal titled Joint..…
During his visit last month to Israel, he announced that the Trump administration’s work was “to make sure that this democracy in the Middle East, that this Jewish state, remains. ..…
Perhaps Putin, as he held court over his minions and sent them out to wreak havoc on our democracy, couldn’t imagine checks and balances being enforced by others on a national head of state. In Trump, Putin found a willing dance partner. But our democratic institutions still aren’t..…
Trump’s approach to strongmen just seems particularly perverse because this is an era in which democracy is in retreat, and the president of the United States is championing those most responsible for it. . . ... His latest book is False Dawn: Protest, Democracy, and Violence in..…
Truly, this is the divination of democracy. . Trump's defiance of House subpoenas will fire up his base, which sees the world as he does and has never cottoned to what President Gerald Ford cherished as 'the politics of compromise and consensus.' . ..…
While in some contexts it walks the fine line between authoritarianism and democracy (Bolsonaro, Trump, Duterte, Erdogan, Salvini), in others it simply strengthens its economic (and political) ties with the large economic and financial interests (Duque, Macri, Piñeira). . ..…
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