letter to the emperor

Of course, the question of divinity is problematic.  Akihito's, Emperor Hirohito, renounced his own divinity on New Year's Day in 1946 on the direct orders of the commander of U.S occupation forces Japan.   ..

the mahablog

And, of course, there's the obstruction of justice the campaign finance violations, including violations in the inaguration funds violations of the clause and the possibility that Trump is compromised by business ties, including to Russian mob. ..

america’s messiah complex

Jim Jones's Peoples Temple sits at the apex of this pyramid of doom, of course — and Jones was outspoken advocate for integration, communist, and reader. ... Morris does not go into the wide panoply of American cults, focusing instead on six leaders Public Universal Friend, Ann Word, Thomas Lake..

the new godwin's law? — adam smith institute

As Madsen often likes to say, 'we propose things which people regard as being on the edge of lunacy. ... The “editors,  the columnists, the television and radio commentators, the academics, the clergy and the teachers” ought to be more receptive toward economists and their ideas - providing..

un / sexual violence in conflict

He hoped the international community would set up a fund to provide reparations to victims of these type of crimes in countries that are failing to shoulder their responsibility or need assistance in doing so. . ... Category . . . Topical Subjects . . . Personal Subjects . . . Corporate..

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