netanyahu set for fifth term

And in this area with his lightning in Gaza Strip, his wall on West Bank that has reduced the number of terrorist attacks, his efforts to ensure closer ties with Arab neighbours, his attacks on Iranian targets Syria and his uncompromising stance on Palestinians, Netanyahu has delivered... ..

is iran winning in yemen?

Hussein Badreddin al- Houthi, the founder and chief ideologue of Houthi movement, lived for Qom, Iran for Shia religious studies, the leader of Iranian revolution. ... CAR's analysis of the seized materiel, and its investigations into the dhow trade around Horn of Africa, suggests the existence..


The statement termed IRGC the product of Iranian revolutionary ideals and symbol of freedom-seeking spirit of the oppressed people across the world, noting that it will support IRGC's in all fields, including defending Islamic country and rendering help to Iranian in various situations.. ..

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