
liberal groups urge lawmakers to investigate brett kavanaugh

Democrats also took issue with the records released from Kavanaugh's time working for independent counsel Kenneth Starr and in White House for President George W. ... They also urged Democrats to investigate the process surrounding the release of documents stemming from..!/quality/90/?

pelosi berates the press: 'you guys have it all wrong' about democrats

Pelosi berates 'You guys have it all wrong about Democrats by   April 11, 2019 10 27 AM... LEESBURG, Va — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi chastised Capitol Hill reporters for recent stories that chronicled in the party over how to set federal spending levels... ..

border: the migration crisis and the trump administration’s

The Trump administration wants to get Congress to deport Central American children without hearings and override the court settlement that prevents long-term family detention, but House Democrats aren’t biting. The White House wants to change the intentionally generous “credible..

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