president trump’s venezuelan strategy will backfire

During U.S election, 75 percent of white evangelical voters cast ballot for Republican Party in 2018 and 70 percent of the nones cast ballot for Democratic Party. Behold, I will set in the midst of my people Israel I will not again pass by them any more And the high places of Isaac shall..

department press briefing

Israel is an exemplar of a democracy with democratic values, where all citizens of Israel not only vote but have representation in the Knesset, including, by the way, in the election we saw just yesterday. ..!/quality/90/?

ilhan omar: united states was ‘founded by genocide’

Omar has been criticized in the past for her comments regarding both Israel and Jews. . In February, she accused AIPAC of buying votes and was condemned by both Republican and Democrat leaders as playing on an anti-Semitic trope regarding Jewish money. . ..

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